Smoke-free campaign week with free CO measurement

Have you wanted to stop smoking for a while but can't do it on your own? Then the smoke-free week at Hasen Apotheke is just right for you!

From the 18 November to 22 November 2024 we will advise you in detail on how you can banish cigarettes from your life for good and become smoke-free in the long term with the help of nicorette® products.

What you can expect during the smoke-free week:

  • One Professional advice on quitting smoking by our team.
  • If desired, a Free measurement of the harmful carbon monoxide content in the air we breathe.

For more information, please contact us at the Hasen Apotheke am Hasenbergl - we look forward to hearing from you!

The benefits of quitting smoking are enormous: just a few weeks after your last cigarette, your lung function and your sense of smell and taste will improve. The risk of cardiovascular disease decreases and you gain a better quality of life. You also save a lot of money, which you can then invest in your health (or in your next holiday).

Don't miss out on this opportunity and take part in the smoke-free campaign weeks 2024 at the Hasen Apotheke am Hasenbergl. nicorette® supports you with effective nicotine replacement products. Become part of the non-smoking community and enjoy your new, smoke-free life to the full. It's worth it!

Mandatory information

Nicorette® Inhaler 15 mg

Active ingredient: Nicotine. Areas of application: Treatment of tobacco addiction by alleviating the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Support in quitting cigarettes. Also to reduce smoking consumption (smoking reduction) in order to achieve smoking cessation in this way. Warnings: Contains levomenthol. Status: 06/2023

Nicorette® Chewing gum 2 mg / 4 mg freshfruit / freshmint / whitemint

Active ingredient: Nicotine (as nicotine-polacrilin (1:4)). Areas of application: Treatment of tobacco addiction by alleviating nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Support for smoking cessation. Also to reduce cigarette consumption (smoking reduction) in order to achieve smoking cessation in this way. Warnings: Contains levomenthol, peppermint oil, butylhydroxytoluene (E 321). Status: 06/2023

Nicorette® TX Patch 10 mg, 15 mg, 25 mg

Active ingredient: Nicotine. Areas of application: Treatment of tobacco addiction by alleviating withdrawal symptoms. Support for smoking cessation. Status: 06/2023

Nicorette® freshmint 2 mg / 4 mg lozenges, pressed

Active ingredient: Nicotine (as nicotine resinate). Areas of application: Treatment of tobacco dependence by relieving nicotine withdrawal symptoms and reducing nicotine cravings for smokers with low tobacco dependence (2 mg lozenge) or severe tobacco dependence (4 mg lozenge) from the age of 18. To stop smoking immediately and to reduce cigarette consumption (smoking reduction) in order to achieve smoking cessation step by step. Status: 07/2023

Nicorette® Mint Spray, 1 mg/spray; Nicorette® Fruit & Mint Spray, 1 mg/spray

Active ingredient: Nicotine. Areas of application: Treatment of tobacco dependence in adults by relieving nicotine withdrawal symptoms, including smoking cravings, in an attempt to quit smoking immediately or to reduce cigarette consumption (smoking reduction) in order to achieve complete smoking cessation. Complete cessation of smoking should be the ultimate goal. Warnings: Contains ethanol, propylene glycol and butylhydroxytoluene. Status: 06/2023

For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Johnson & Johnson GmbH, 41470 Neuss, Germany. Status: 30 October 2024

Ji-Young Shin

Pharmacist and owner of the Hasen Apotheke am Hasenbergl.

Articles: 45

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