Congratulations on (soon to be) starting school

The Hasen Apotheke am Hasenbergl wishes all first graders an exciting and unforgettable 1st day at school. To celebrate the upcoming start of school, all children between 12 September and 16 September 2023 will receive a small gift for starting school*. Of course, this applies to children of all ages! The entire team at the Hasen Apotheke was once again hard at work making the gifts and is looking forward to presenting them to you. By the way, even the little ones don't have to go empty-handed. Children from the age of 3 will receive one of our popular comic mini books.

Your Hasen Apotheke in Hasenbergl wishes you good luck and success, nice teachers and great new friends.

*Unfortunately not when redeeming a prescription at the same time, i.e. please just come by and pick up the gift! Only while stocks last.

Ji-Young Shin

Pharmacist and owner of the Hasen Apotheke am Hasenbergl.

Articles: 35

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