St Nicholas & Opening Ceremony

On 6 December 2019, the Hasen Apotheke am Hasenbergl will host a St. Nicholas party and - a few months late - finally the opening ceremony. Originally, this was to take place shortly after the Takeover take place in June 2019. For organisational reasons, however, it unfortunately had to be postponed. But better late than never!

From 02 to 05 December 2019, the pharmacy team will be serving alcohol-free punch and handing out free raffle tickets for 2 Gloco wooden sledges. On 06 December 2019, the new owner Ji-Young Shin will then celebrate the opening together with all customers with punch, different kinds of stollen and gingerbread as well as small surprise gifts (while stocks last). At the end of the celebration, the lucky winners will be drawn.

Ji-Young Shin

Pharmacist and owner of the Hasen Apotheke am Hasenbergl.

Articles: 35

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