When I visited the Hasen Apotheke in June 2019 from Mr Eck adopted I created our website in a hurry and until then it had been rather neglected. After almost 3 years, it was finally time to tackle the "website relaunch" project and update our website both visually and in terms of content. Welcome to the Hasen Apotheke 2.0.
Recipe pre-order

As you have probably already noticed, the callmyApo app was officially discontinued at the end of December 2022 and replaced by the Gesund.de app. However, the response from both us and many customers has been rather moderate. We have therefore decided to switch to YourPharmacies.com (also known as ia.de). You will find the direct link in the header of our website. By the way, we have a small guide for you on how to install the app and register us as your regular pharmacy.
Easter competition

On Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, we have hidden an Easter egg on our website that contains a special surprise. If you click on the egg, you will receive a voucher code for โฌ10. You can redeem this until 30 April 2022 for a purchase value of โฌ30 or more at our Hasen Apotheke. Just tell our team the voucher code before you pay.
Fine print: Only redeemable 1x per person. Only for the first 50 customers. Not valid for prescription drugs. No cash payment possible.