Let's get started with the good intentions for 2020

New year, new resolutions! If you too have set yourself the goal at the turn of the year to stop smoking, do a little more sport or lose weight, the team at Hasen Apotheke will be happy to support you with tips and know-how if required.

By the way, exercise in the fresh air helps in most cases - no matter what you have planned for 2020: Breathe deeply, come down and collect sun rays. At the same time, it strengthens your defences and makes apple cheeks, which, however, often need more care now. We will also be happy to advise you on this topic. Just get in touch with us.

For January and February 2020, we have also again some Offers put together for you.

Ji-Young Shin

Pharmacist and owner of the Hasen Apotheke am Hasenbergl.

Articles: 35

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