Category: Offers

Vouchers for every occasion


We've all been in the situation where a loved one's birthday is coming up - again, quite unexpectedly. Inevitably, the question arises: "Hmm, wasn't it only last year?" While still...

Nose free, head too!

Nose free, head too!

Even though the winter was quite mild compared to previous years, it will soon be officially over. When it smells like spring for the first time and the sun shines more often, some people literally come alive, while others...

Radiantly healthy!

Radiantly healthy

Winter is here and will hopefully spoil us with lots of bright, beautiful days. But unfortunately, the cold season also affects us. Did you know that rest and sufficient sleep are one of the most important prerequisites for a strong immune system? Do...

Recharge your batteries!

Recharge your batteries

Since July 2019, you can find current offers in our shop window, which change every two months. As of today, you can find out about them online before you visit us. Simply visit our new offers page. Summer is drawing to a close...

Hasen Apotheke